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(Troglodytes troglodytes)

The little wren has been called in poetry ‘the king of all the birds’. Why? Small, brown and unassuming on the outside, the wren has a fantastic song and is one of the very first birds to sing in the dawn chorus.  

The wren’s enigmatic ‘churring’ call is as fast as machine-gun fire and is often compared to a toy being wound up like clockwork. As the wren sings so vigorously, its short tail feather vibrate with the force. Many people are surprised that such a loud cry could come from this small bird! 

If you’d like to attract Jenny wrens to your garden, then provide them with dense, low shrubbery or a covering of ivy, as they prefer to nest close to the ground. Their Latin name (Troglodytes troglodytes) actually means ‘cave dweller’ as wrens like to nest in holes or crevices in walls and rocks. You’ll often find the wren guarding its territory with its short, stubby tail feathers erect, alert and watching. 


Wrens feast on spiders and insects. Plenty of these are needed in the spring and summer, as wrens can lay between speckled 5-8 eggs.


Mealworms are a fantastic option for wrens, providing them with the meaty protein they need to sustain their hunting trips. Because of their extremely small stature, wrens need to eat more to maintain their body mass.